Campus Administrator, Van Driver

Born and raised in Miami, Joshua’s roots in the vibrant city have instilled in him a sense of resilience and determination. While attending Southwest Miami Senior High, he faced several challenges as a troubled youth, but he was able to overcome adversity and transform his life in remarkable ways.

Joshua’s standout qualities is his exceptional driving skills and the ability to get things done. Known for his ability to navigate even the most demanding road conditions, he approaches driving with a combination of precision, focus, and a deep understanding of the rules of the road. His expertise behind the wheel ensures the safety and well-being of the students we serve.

Joshua’s helpful and kind nature shines through in his interactions with others. He consistently goes above and beyond to lend a hand and offer support whenever it’s needed. His loyalty and dedication to his friends, family, and colleagues are unparalleled, as he believes in the power of nurturing strong relationships and fostering a sense of community.